Unity in Diversity

Giving voice to an exchange of ideas in a consistent set of actions which will encourage the knowledge and the comprehension of the concepts unity and diversity in the European context.


Students' program 20-23 Verona

PROGETTO COMENIUS: “Unity in Diversity”
VERONA 20-23 APRILE 2010
Students’ program
Tuesday, April 20th
Arrival of students and accommodation in host families
(Host families will welcome students at Verona Airport, Railway Station and at the hotel – Danish group)
Wednesday, April 21st
08.00 – 08.15: Students’ check-in and welcome meeting.
08.15 – 09.45: Workshop in multimedia laboratory with Mrs. Coppi.
Presentation of the participants’ works and discussion on bioethics.
10.00: Official opening of the meeting – all teachers in the Lecture Room.
10.30 – 11.00: Coffee-break.
11.00 – 13.00: Lecture Room – writing of the questionnaires to be given in town.
13.00 – 14.00: Break and free lunch.
14.30: Transfer to the old town by local bus service.
15- 16.30: Handing out of questionnaires in the old town.
17.00: Piano concert with Adrian Nicodim, a student at the Istituto Einaudi, in the music hall of the local music academy, next to the Church of Santa Anastasia. Music of Schumann and Chopin.
17.30: Return to the host families.
Thursday, April 22nd
08.00 – 09:45: Workshop in multimedia laboratory with Mrs. Coppi.
Checking on results and drafting the final conclusions.
10.00 - 10.30: Presentation of final conclusions in the Lecture Room with all teachers.
10.30 - 11.00: Coffe-break.
11.00 - 13: Choice of the inning logo and final disussion.
13.20: Return to host families.
Free afternoon and evening.
Friday, April 23rd

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